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Übersetzungen für lateral moraine im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ablation moraine, lateral moraine

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Lateral moraines are created as debris accumulates as low ridges of till that ride along the edge of the moving glaciers.
They form perpendicular to the lateral moraines that they reside between and are composed of unconsolidated debris deposited by the glacier.
The lateral moraine ridges on either side of the glacier are on average 150 feet high.
The worrying thing about this is that lateral moraines never get higher than glacier surfaces that create them.
A lateral moraine that is no longer being actively added to with glacial material because the glacier has retreated for climatic reasons, is known as a flank moraine.
Lateral moraines are formed on the sides of the glacier.
In alpine glaciers, ground moraines are often found between the two lateral moraines.
The glacier descends from approximately 12000 ft to a terminus near 7200 ft below which an old lateral moraine once was the northern margin of the glacier.
Large lateral moraines can be seen below the glacier.
The lateral moraines comprise that eroded material which is carried along at the sides of a glacier.

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