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Übersetzungen für leopard skin im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈleop·ard skin SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The nyimi's mask is usually made of leopard skin, while those of chiefs are made of antelope skin.
He dons trousers made of leopard skin and wraps a cloth made of tiger skin around his torso.
He presents her with a leopard skin, which she refuses.
He is often shown riding a leopard, wearing a leopard skin, or in a chariot drawn by panthers, and may also be recognized by the thyrsus he carries.
The priest and pharaohs wore leopard skin.
A woman on her own, in black coat and a leopard skin patterned headscarf, slowed briefly to say hello.
Among the crowd stood a tall youth in leopard skin with only one sandal.
She wears a leopard skin, and in her hair is an ivy garland.
The local tailors usually used green fatigue cloth or leopard skin pattern military camouflage from old parachutes.
The interior is upholstered in leopard skin, has a 24-karat gold instrument panels, and 24-karat gold fittings.

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