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Übersetzungen für litigiousness im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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li·ti·gious·ness [lɪˈtɪʤəsnəs] SUBST no pl JUR


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Their legacy, therefore, is one of litigiousness and obstruction, as well as brilliance and innovation.
The problem is also perhaps one of the litigiousness of our society and the jurisprudence that has developed over the years to support it.
Rejecting the idea that the church has entered a new age of litigiousness.
They co-opted politicians and stymied innovation with a litigiousness rivaled only by the personal injury bar.
What he discovered was a shady tickling video empire -- yes, you read that right -- involving cyber-bullying and big money litigiousness.
At colleges across the nation, instead of mystery, you'll find a strange celebration of empty promiscuity mixed with a fierce doctrine of legalism and litigiousness.
It's of a part with an ordinary predilection for litigiousness; it just stands out because of the strange backroom-politics angle, and the contradiction from everyone else involved.
The survey was done as a follow-up to a previous survey on the increasing litigiousness of employees.
Section 11 can increase the litigiousness from the very beginning of a file and lead to protracted and expensive proceedings.

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