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Übersetzungen für mask out im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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mask out VERB trans FOTO, TYPO

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The panoramic adapter will mask out the sprocket holes.
This can then be used to mask out all but the longest common prefix.
In using hydrophones, the hunting vessel has to move quite slowly so as not to mask out any external noises by its own sounds.
But instead of maxing out your credit card, why not raid your fridge to make a mask out of simple household ingredients?
Masquerade was a text-mining program that used syntactic structures underlying text data to mask out words and phrases for searching purposes.
He fashioned a chloroform gas mask out of bamboo, which he used to sedate patients during the brutal amputations.
Deacon himself soon went home and, with the help of a blacksmith, fashioned his own mask out of iron.
Made with green tea, chamomile and cucumber, it soaks into your skin and puts back the glow that pigments mask out.

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