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Übersetzungen für mirror image im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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mir·ror ˈim·age SUBST

Spiegelbild nt <-(e)s, -er>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This current is a mirror image of the current generated by the cell.
An oriented knot that is equivalent to its mirror image is an amphichiral knot, also called an achiral knot or amphicheiral knot.
Set near to or against the shell's terminal opening (the living chamber), the aptychi usually consisted of two identical but mirror image valves.
In the opposite case an object is called achiral: the mirror image is a copy, not a different object.
It is an artificial oligonucleotide named for being a mirror image of natural oligonucleotides.
If a component has a repeated pattern in flow distribution more than twice, thus violating the mirror image requirements required for symmetric boundary condition.
This dialogue with her mirror image is genuine dialogue, reversing the vanitas motif.
Each tintype is usually a camera original, so the image is usually a mirror image, reversed left to right from reality.
During the early 1900s an additional wing (which was the mirror image of the original structure) was built doubling the size of the building.
A mushroom on the left hemi-sphere pyramid on the right and the mountainous planetscape is nearly a mirror image.

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