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Übersetzungen für montage im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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mon·tage [mɒnˈtɑ:ʒ, Am ˈmɑ:nt-] SUBST

1. montage (composition):

Montage f <-, -n>
montage of images
montage of photos
Fotomontage f <-, -n>

2. montage:

montage KUNST
Collage f <-, -n> fachspr
montage FILM
Montage f <-, -n> fachspr
montage sequence
Bildfolge f <-, -n>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

montage sequence
Bildfolge f <-, -n>
montage of images
montage of photos
Fotomontage f <-, -n>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The work is based on the idea of the electroacoustic montage of sounds as well.
A montage of the top 5 hits from the corresponding month are then replayed.
The montage was a satirical point by saying the opposite of what the writers believed.
Furthermore, he made one of the first commercial montage photography in 1930.
It also featured a montage of historical images and photographs.
Most notably, the running/training montage where a vendor tosses the boxer an orange.
Not all stations had their own ad breaks, so music montages would be played down the line so there was continuous output.
They also contain video montages from the anime, image songs, voice actor interviews, and satirical animated shorts focusing on the four protagonists.
It's a montage of images; ourselves, pictures and things taken from other places and put together in a strange, abstract way.
From that point, the viewers see a montage of the events in the movie, some of which were previously shown out of order.

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