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Übersetzungen für mummery im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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mum·mery <pl -ries> [ˈmʌməri] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Mummery added that sectors that could see a spike in administrations are construction, food and agriculture, and hospitality.
Mummery refused to pass on the correspondence, citing data protection, but his testimony adds further intrigue to an extraordinary tale.
Mummery said he was hoping the competition venue could be larger but the costs got away from them.
Mummery said people interested don't even have to be post secondary students to take the course.
Mummery was one of those players.
Mummery said they have an additional $6 million committed to the project from donors, for what they expect would be a roughly $65 million project.
Mummery moved a finger in front of her face to check her eye movements and asked her some basic questions.

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