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Übersetzungen für nesting site im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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breeding site, nesting site SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many species use termite nests, possibly to reduce the conspicuousness of the nesting site or to create a favourable microclimate.
The shrub's thorny branches and thicket forming habit provide a shelter for many small animal species and an ideal nesting site for songbirds.
Another favoured nesting site is where soil has been disturbed in a building site and pieces of timber have been accidentally buried in moist soil.
They approach and depart from the nesting site in a series of immense bounds, sometimes moving at right angles to their previous direction.
Females do not allow the males to stay around the nesting site since they are as likely to eat their own eggs as dragon eggs.
Within the territory the female selects the nesting site, these sites are often close to the previous year's nest.
When seeking out a suitable nesting site, the female's preferences are areas that are well concealed, inaccessible to ground predators, or have few predators nearby.
Once ready to breed, newly mated pairs look for a suitable nesting site, spending mornings searching, and returning to their flock in the afternoon.
The actual nesting site is chosen by the male; the courtship visits of the female are mainly to form and strengthen the pair bond.
She was most likely crossing the road while searching for a nesting site.

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