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Übersetzungen für nutrient loading im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Like other plants, seagrasses need light for photosynthesis, but excess turbidity reduces light penetration, while nutrient loading encourages algal overgrowth that smothers seagrass.
If the nutrient loading exceeds a critical value, eutrophication causes a switch from the clear to the turbid state.
The lake has had problems with nutrient loading and elevated concentrations of dissolved copper.
Many suffer from pollution and nutrient loading, or see their waters siphoned off.
Measures such as gill planting or blocking upland drainage channels have helped reduce impacts on rivers by slowing flow rates and decreasing sediment and nutrient loadings.
Private landowners were worried about the effect conversions would have on water allocation and nutrient loading.
The main problems on the creek are sediment and nutrient loading from agricultural sources and a lack of in-stream habitat.
Scientists are not in universal agreement that nutrient loading has a negative impact on fisheries.
This evidence is required to tackle the major source(s) and reduce nutrient loading.
Mangroves anchor the edges of the world, but they are slipping away, thanks to coastal development, pollution, over-harvesting, nutrient loading, overuse of freshwater, and climate change.

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