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Übersetzungen für obscenity laws im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ob·ˈscen·ity laws SUBST Pl JUR

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Experts do feel the need for updated obscenity laws.
Founded in 1991, it opposes the passage and enforcement of some censorship laws (with the exception of anti-piracy laws) and obscenity laws.
Her daring publication of the photos ran the risk of violation of obscenity laws.
Federal obscenity laws at present apply to inter-state and foreign obscenity issues such as distribution; intrastate issues are for the most part still governed by state law.
It was her men who wrote our first obscenity laws.
Government censorship and obscenity laws limited access to the more graphic stuff.
He vowed to use the district attorney's office to prosecute violators of obscenity laws.
As a noted photographer of nudes, he successfully contested the obscenity laws of his day.
Free-love movements since the 19th century have also defended the right to publicly discuss sexuality and have battled obscenity laws.
While many of them wanted to have the paper prosecuted under obscenity laws, they bowed to the inevitable.

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