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Übersetzungen für opponents im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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op·po·nent [əˈpəʊnənt, Am -ˈpoʊ-] SUBST

opponent POL
Opponent(in) m (f) <-en, -en>
opponent POL
Widersacher(in) m (f) <-s, ->
opponent JUR
Gegenpartei f <-, -en>
opponent SPORT
Gegner(in) m (f) <-s, ->

op·po·nent ˈmus·cle SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to sail into one's opponents

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The policy of our opponents stands condemned on any test, whether of principle or expediency.
When opponents tried to appease him, he accepted the gains that were offered, then went to the next target.
The amount can vary from severing ties to opponents of the group up to and including severing all non-group-affiliated intercourse.
Game play involves arranging one's tiles into a grid of connected words faster than one's opponents.
A game between two reasonably equal opponents should still be a fifty-fifty contest after the toss.
An in-game meter can be filled out in the one-player tournament mode by not using long-range moves against the opponents.
His allegedly ruthless crushing of opponents through his secret police earned him the reputation of a tyrant.
She has the power to control and grow plant life at a rapid rate, animating vines to capture or ensnare her opponents.
Radian could control the intensity of these bursts, choosing to either blind or burn his opponents.
Naturally, the signaller will attempt to signal when his governor is looking and his opponents are not.

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