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Übersetzungen für outright gift im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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outright gift SUBST STAAT


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In these circumstances a family member may want to make sure that the beneficiary is financially provided for, without making an outright gift.
Purchases are made with the general society fund; outright gifts only are acceptable.
Some 22 per cent were given an outright gift from their families, the numbers suggest, while nine per cent were given cash loans.
This was offered as a managed trust, rather than an outright gift, but it was refused by the widow on grounds that she wished to control her own financial destiny.
She made an outright gift of two of her own paintings to the school.
While an outright gift to your daughter may be effective for tax purposes, it may not be effective to protect the asset from any future son-in-law.
Still, the policy looks less like an outright gift to the families at the top of the income spectrum than a boon to those in middle.
Options include: an outright gift, an endowment, or through a foundation.
You might consider giving him a personal loan rather than money as an outright gift.
A presumed resulting trust is where the transfer fails, and there is no reason to assume it was intended as an outright gift.

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