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Übersetzungen für parka im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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par·ka [ˈpɑ:kə, Am ˈpɑ:r-] SUBST

Parka m <-(s), -s>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many mods wore military parkas while driving scooters in order to keep their clothes clean.
To keep their expensive suits clean and keep warm while riding, mods often wore long army parkas.
The garment is conventionally a flight jacket, but can be any of several other types of jacket, a mechanic's, a motorcyclist's, or even a parka.
The system consists of undergarments, a base layer, midweight underlayer, light weather outer layer, intermediate weather outer layer, and an extreme/wet weather parka.
He tries to grab the creature with a parka, but underfoot, the ground forms tentacles which attempt to drag them under.
There, one of the first of many innovations was born in the form of a down ski parka stitched together from his goose down comforter.
Skins were used to make tough parkas worn feather side in and the silky tufts were sewn into ornamental work.
The parka was designed to keep pilots warm at high altitudes.
Approved parkas are authorized for winter wear in cold climates and a light casual jacket is also authorized for cooler days.
All three of her heads extend from long necks, though two are usually hidden underneath a thick parka to remain inconspicuous.

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