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Übersetzungen für penult im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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penult LING

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Occasionally, penult refers to the last word but one of a sentence.
Intonation in indicative clauses usually rises on the antepenultimate syllable, falls on the penult and rises on the last syllable.
In this lexical domain, stress occurs on the antepenult if the penult is light and the antepenult is heavy, and otherwise on the penult.
Such words include those of five syllables with penult primary stress, and all words of six syllables in length or longer.
The penult follows the antepenult and precedes the ultima.
The shell has 5 whorls, rather rapidly increasing, convex, the last but little higher than the penult, double as high as the next earlier whorl, a little ascending in front.
The mid vowels are restricted to the penult of lexical morphemes, which is stressed.
The commonest use of the word is in linguistics, where the word penult usually means the second to last syllable of a word.
Word stress generally falls either on the last or the penult syllable of a word.
The shell has 4 whorls, that are rather convex, high, rapidly increasing, joined by a somewhat impressed suture, the penult large, almost ventricose.

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