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Übersetzungen für pinprick im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈpin·prick SUBST

Nadelstich m <-(e)s, -e>
pinprick (cause of irritation)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Initially a pinprick or burning sensation can be felt when bitten by widow spiders.
The raids were military pinpricks but a significant propaganda victory.
These pinpricks of light are said to represent not only the dreams of those sleeping in this world but also the dreams of sleepers from other parallel worlds.
They confirm this from the ill old lady, noting how she has a mass of small pinpricks on her arm.
Looking at them, "you can see there are small pores" like pinpricks.
Though all the pulses were of equal strength, volunteers reported that some of them felt like pinpricks while others were painless.
Negative utilitarianism would seem to call for the destruction of the world even if only to avoid the pain of a pinprick.
As the day grows long, a tropical storm creeps overhead, which punctures the sea with pinpricks of rain.
That sounds like a very long time but, in terms of the history of the earth, it's hardly a pinprick.
A pinprick rash that looks a bit like heat rash.

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