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Übersetzungen für police informer im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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po·lice in·ˈform·er SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But since he is a police informer and enjoys political patronage of the ruling party, nothing is done against him.
He always denied these allegations as well as accusations that he was a police informer.
The policing watchdog also discovered that one person initially suspected of involvement in the attack was a police informer at the time.
The offence did not come to light until over a year later, after a police informer who had acted as an accomplice had been arrested attempting to imitate the pair.
Crucially, a suspicion began to develop in the criminal underworld that he was a police informer.
The raid was conducted following a tip-off from a police informer.
So grateful was the hard (and nearly frozen) man that, after a short burst of tears, he agreed to become a long-term police informer.
He was despised by some of his underworld peers as a suspected police informer and a coward.
He also eked out his existence by part-timing as a police informer.
As a former biker chick and police informer, she was also an anti-gang activist.

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