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Übersetzungen für promisor im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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promisor JUR

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Something that is already done is done, and it does not change the legal position of the promisor.
If it is done at the instance of a third party or without the desire of the promisor, it will not be good considsration.
However, courts will generally imply in law that the promisor must act in good faith and reject the deal only if he is genuinely dissatisfied.
Once the promisee performed completely, consideration is satisfied and a contract is formed and only the promisor is bound to his promise.
Essentially, once a promisee begins performance, an option contract is implicitly created between the promisor and the promisee.
The promisor has maximum protection and the promisee has maximum risk in this scenario.
At the same time the courts may add conditions to that decision, such as requiring the promisor or promisee to pay the third party compensation.
However, promissory estoppel may permanently extinguish the rights of the promisor to claim lump sum after part-payment.
Although consideration must move from the promisee, it does not necessarily have to move to the promisor.
Strictly speaking, this is an illusory promise, since the promisor has no actual legal burden to pay if he chooses not to.

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