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Übersetzungen für psychopathology im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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psycho·pa·thol·ogy [ˌsaɪkə(ʊ)pæθˈɒləʤi, Am -koʊpæθˈɑ:l-] SUBST no pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Vulnerability in psychological terms is implied as an increased probability of emotional pain and some type of psychopathology.
This includes the complex understanding of factors such as individual temperament, parental psychopathology, and possible neurochemical predispositions.
His vast knowledge of forensic psychology and psychopathology lends him a preternatural ability to understand, empathize with, and predict the actions of suspects as well as victims.
There is near agreement that the notion of more psychopathology in racial ethnic minority groups is simplistic and untenable.
It is a multidisciplinary approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, paediatricians and paraprofessionals - all with expertise in child development and developmental psychopathology.
He called for a psychopathology which describes the phenomenological psychological structure of morbid experiences without regard to clinical evaluation.
However, gross disharmony can predispose to severe psychopathology, neurosis and non-neurotic personality disorders.
For instance, some research suggests that about 80% of both court-referred and self-referred men in these domestic violence studies exhibited diagnosable psychopathology, typically personality disorders.
Developmental neuropsychology and developmental psychopathology are both devoted primarily to studying patients, whereas developmental cognitive neuroscience is concerned with studying both typical and atypical development.
The psychopathology of exhibitionism; review of the literature.

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