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Übersetzungen für rabbit hutch im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈrab·bit hutch SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Second, a fly repellent strip should be hung in the rabbit hutch, in a position safely out of reach of the rabbit.
There were rabbit hutches to the side of the house and some hens were picking about.
Some people even surround their rabbit hutches with mosquito netting, so that flies are physically kept away from their pet.
A major infrastructure project lurching wildly over budget is like a magic trick consisting of pulling a rabbit out of a rabbit hutch.
At the moment, my friend's little darlings are sleeping in a cot in the living room of her rabbit hutch-sized apartment.
If it is necessary to wash the home then only use a cleaner specifically designed for cleaning rabbit hutches.
If a rabbit hutch is not cleaned out every day, it soon becomes the focus of busy fly activity.
A standard rabbit hutch won't do so his new owner will need plenty of space for him.
Those in charge of the rabbit hutch should give their heads a shake!
When people arrived at his studio, they found he had not written a single thing, instead building a variety of rabbit hutches.

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