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Übersetzungen für ragbag im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . ˈrag·bag SUBST

Sammelsurium nt <-s, -ri·en>

II . ˈrag·bag ADJ attr, inv

ragbag collection
ragbag collection
Sammelsurium nt <-s, -ri·en>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

ragbag collection

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This educational approach stems largely from the sensible idea that a framework for thinking about economic problems is more useful to students than a ragbag of models.
The global portfolio of businesses that used to be presented as its best defence against local difficulties is now seen by investors as a ragbag of potential trouble.
In just two weeks the soldiers turned a ragbag bunch or ill-disciplined police officers into something akin to a professional unit.
His balletic background plus a ragbag of influences (from steam-punk to archery) inform his elegantly energetic work.
The previous administration threw together a ragbag of poorly conceived environmental policies, designed as though money were no object.
This ragbag of pre-loved music is a good test for distinguishing between the original type of ballad opera and its later forms.
While the organic label is strong (and vigorously policed), it represents a ragbag of standards.
He occasionally contributes to the ragbag, a component of the internet.
They include politicians, officials, fat cats, so-called intellectuals and a ragbag of celebrities.
The ragbag of still-born babies and stuffed animals on show was typical of museums of the epoch.

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