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Übersetzungen für repetition im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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rep·eti·tion [ˌrepɪˈtɪʃən, Am -əˈ-] SUBST

1. repetition (say again):

Wiederholung f <-, -en>

2. repetition (do again):

Wiederholung f <-, -en>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Originality and creativity were not prized, but exact repetition was rewarded.
The term is also used for a piece of music in the repertoire that has grown stale or hackneyed with too much repetition.
The first, to repeat, seems connected with the punning phrase two rendered he and with the couplet's repetition.
This religious elaboration takes place gradually over the course of the repetition of the mimetic crises whose resolution brings only a temporary peace.
In the Sudoku Cube, the player must place the numbers one to nine on each side with no repetition.
In this representation different rows typically represent different repetitions of an experiment, while columns represent different types of data (say, the results from particular probes).
Common elements found in their music include improvisation, repetition, driving rhythms, antique and analog equipment, and an overall eclecticism.
Second, repetition of the songs' respective titles in the lyrics is unprotectable...
Until, by the restoration of law and order therein, a repetition of such incursions is improbable, the necessity for their remaining will continue.
The problem with repetition is that, even with a surface level of rhythmic activity added, the melody remains static over a period of time.

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