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Übersetzungen für samurai im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . samu·rai <pl -> [ˈsæmʊraɪ, Am -əraɪ] SUBST MILIT

samurai hist
Samurai m <-(s), -(s)>

II . samu·rai [ˈsæmʊraɪ, Am -əraɪ] SUBST modifier MILIT

samurai hist
samurai sword

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

samurai sword
Samurai warrior

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He has the mustache of a cowboy and the haircut of a samurai.
One of the samurai of the mission chases after the gang into the desert.
The works were tremendously difficult and 51 samurais died and 33 persons died of disease during the construction works.
Other high-ranking samurai officials carried a jitte as a badge of office, including hotel, rice and grain inspectors ("aratame").
Instead, she wants to play her new samurai video game!
Soon a young samurai appears to whom the "tengu" has appeared in a dream, and the possessed girl instructs him as an expert swordsman.
He often passes his time by watching samurai movies.
A new, wealthy farming class emerged and many samurai who had fallen on tough times were forced to work for merchants.
He causes the bodies to glow, which finally incites the crowd to riot, tearing down the fence and charging the samurai on the hill.
Mid-level samurai held military and bureaucratic positions and had some interactions with their daimyo if needed.

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