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Übersetzungen für scherzo im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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scher·zo [ˈskeətsəʊ, Am -ˈskertsoʊ] SUBST MUS

Scherzo nt <-s, -s>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The second half of the work symbolises the rapid development of the newborn and suggests the sequence of an intermezzo, scherzo and finale.
After a varied reprise of the scherzo's first section, a coda with a meter change to cut time follows.
The third movement is a scherzo and trio.
The basic structure of the two fantasies is essentially the same: allegro, slow movement, scherzo, allegro with fugue.
The return of the scherzo is now complemented by threatening thuds from the bass drum and brass.
It provides a diversion to the blithe scherzo, contrasting sharply in tone and adding gravity to the prevailing humor.
The scherzo represents his dance and the unusual tuning of the violin adds tension to its sound and contributes to the music's ghostly character.
The scherzo then returns, but in "ppp", and containing an instruction to hold down the una corda and damper pedals.
The trio's forthright delivery of the first movement found a telling contrast in the crisp, light-footed scherzo and the winsome grace of the slow movement.
The first thirty measures are preserved in full score, but the entire rest of the scherzo proper (both strains) only in short score.

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