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Übersetzungen für scrub out im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Gleaming steel machines which serve to scrub out emissions fill the room.
Scrub out the detergent drawer and rubber ring around the drum.
As hard as they tried, the occupants of the castle could not scrub out the stains, and so were forced to cover the steps in wood panelling, which remains today.
And the stench of fish could take weeks to scrub out.
This lead build-up constricts the bore, increasing the pressure and decreasing the accuracy of subsequent rounds, and is difficult to scrub out without damaging the bore.
Television comedies were hastily rewritten to scrub out profanity and undue frivolity.
They're probably going to have to scrub out the walls.
Television networks usually scour their schedules in the event of major tragedies to scrub out material that might trigger bad memories for viewers.
However, you can also scrub out carpet stains using baking soda and water.
So you can scrub out all the comments below, including claims the curator is trying to make a green track to favour the home side.

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