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Übersetzungen für selfie im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Deutsch » Englisch)
selfie ugs
Selfie nt ugs

ˈsel·fie stick SUBST

selfie stick
selfie stick
Selfie-Stange f <-, -n>
selfie stick
Selfie-Stab m <-s, -stäbe>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The posts got racier and racier -- this generation disrobes in its selfie.
The picture topped many selfie lists of the year.
However, a group of young choreographers are popularizing a much more sophisticated style of selfie video dance.
Right on cue, a new wave of bands has emerged to let their meek flags fly in the age of the selfie.
The front unit will not serve as a very good selfie camera but is decent for video chats.
This isn't a quick selfie with a cameraphone.
I think this kind of selfie can be charming, and it lets you know he's a friendly guy.
The app is often used for (yet not limited to) portrait and selfie editing9.
Some creative people think that their work is their art, their selfie.
And yes, don't forget to take a selfie with the giant wayfarers.

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