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Übersetzungen für semiotic im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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se·mi·ot·ic [ˌsemiˈɒtɪk, Am -ˈɑ:t̬ɪk] ADJ inv


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Codes connect semiotic systems of meaning with social structure and values.
Between the content of form-pairing of simple semiotic systems emerged the organizational space referred to as lexicogrammar.
In semiotic terms, they are the physical embodiment (signifiers) of speech signs, which are gestural by nature (see below).
The semiotic study of molecular genetics, can be considered a study of biocommunication at its most basic level.
Semiotic modes can include visual, verbal, written, gestural and musical resources for communication.
On one hand, his semiotic does not resort to special experiences or special experiments in order to settle its questions.
Understanding the roles of signs and norms in organizations-a semiotic approach to information systems design.
They proposed that music could be studied as a symbol, but also bore many resemblances to language, and therefore semiotic study could take place.
This suggests that visual semiotic analysis may be addressing a hierarchy of meaning in addition to categories and components of meaning.
In general, music videos contain visuals that either represent the potential connotative meaning of the lyrics or the visuals can represent a semiotic system of its own.

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