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Übersetzungen für servomechanism im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈser·vo·mecha·nism SUBST

1. servomechanism AUTO, TECH:


2. servomechanism COMPUT:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the field of control theory, for example, it aided in the further development of servomechanism design and control, a crucial component of modern robotics.
With the electronics revolution, single-signal channel circuit design became redundant and instead, radios provided coded signal streams which a servomechanism could interpret.
Poor spatial performance of the precision optical servomechanism of the eyes at nominal illumination levels without any morphological cause.
For example, an automotive power window control is not a servomechanism, as there is no automatic feedback that controls positionthe operator does this by observation.
More specifically, it is a closed-loop servomechanism that uses position feedback to control its motion and final position.
Dynamic response characteristics such as winding inductance and rotor inertia are also important; these factors limit the overall performance of the servomechanism loop.
The windmill fantail is an earlier example of automatic control, but since it does not have an amplifier or gain, it is not usually considered a servomechanism.
In a potentiometric type of recorder, the direct drive of the marking pen is replaced with a servomechanism where energy to move the pen is supplied by an amplifier.
Depending on the size of the vessel, rudders can be manually actuated, or operated using a servomechanism, or a trim tab/servo tab system.
The plate's position can also be moved a small distance using a small manifold vacuum-operated servomechanism, providing advanced timing when the engine is required to speed up on demand.

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