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Übersetzungen für souse im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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souse [saʊs] VERB trans

1. souse (drench):

to souse sb/sth [in/with sth]

2. souse (pickle):

to souse sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But why do some people grow goofy and affectionate when soused, while others become downright nasty?
People would be really soused and it was obvious to everybody.
Never mind what the man at the front is saying; you are in a beautiful place soused in coolness and balm and some of that just seeps in.
The boisterously fresh herring is perfectly soused in vinegar and salt, then sliced alongside warm potatoes, (small helping, $7.50).
As stumps approached they were roused - and probably soused.
You eat it soused with lemon.
Oh, and tourists so soused that they can't even pull their pants up after adding another stinking outpouring of urine to the already saturated cobblestones.
A version pickled with vinegar is known as souse.
Just buy him a drink, sit back, and listen to his mopey stories while getting increasingly soused.
You think you've got them soused, and then they do something that surprises you.

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