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Übersetzungen für spinster im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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spin·ster [ˈspɪn(t)stəʳ, Am -stɚ] SUBST usu abw

alte Jungfer abw veraltet
Martha Smith, Spinster JUR

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Martha Smith, Spinster JUR

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Sally on the other hand never married and died in the house, a spinster at the age of 82.
Throughout the remainder of the 16th century and into the 17th century, the convent attracted young widowed or spinster noblewomen.
With a bit of coaxing, the ageing spinster tells the story of her life, leading to a flashback.
The spinsters invariably of both married and unmarried women are similar and fit closely below the knee.
The riposte carries not the indignation of a lion affronted but the sweet-natured slap on the wrist from a simpering spinster.
While everything is planned, they discover that the vacant apartment has just become occupied by two spinsters and their young, attractive maid.
This led to laughable courtships with well-bred spinsters, including one who herself had lost her fortune to gambling.
Many poorer girls were being taught in dame schools, informally set up by a widow or spinster to teach reading, sewing and cooking.
In the film, a shy spinster runs off with a charming playboy, who turns out to be penniless, a gambler, and dishonest in the extreme.
His recalls how his spinster aunt was too worried about the cutlery etiquette to dine out.

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