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Übersetzungen für squiffy im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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squiffy [ˈskwɪfi], esp Am squiffed [Am skwɪft] ADJ ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

While a nice idea on paper, this board game makes the game go all squiffy almost immediately.
She has soulful, come-hither eyes that make me feel all squiffy in my nethers.
I was only about seven, and quite squiffy after just one small glass, but it certainly kept me absorbed in the test match.
He was charming, if squiffy, company.
We didn't have time to get too squiffy!
Women told us they ended up getting squiffy after a few glasses.
She sounded a bit squiffy.
So we shouldn't go all squiffy and lose our judgement when said royalty behaves a bit like a princess.
Others are lopsided, as small as a chess piece, or a thimble, and squiffy-eyed, as if they have availed themselves of too much of the local rice whisky.

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