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Übersetzungen für stateswoman im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈstates·wom·an SUBST


sen·ior ˈstates·wom·an SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

POL elder statesman/stateswoman

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She will quickly be forgiven for those lapses of temper, and her many other accomplishments will position her as a stateswoman and an icon of feminist determination.
She is dressed like a stateswoman: a smart winter two-piece suit, heels and a pashmina, which she spreads over her legs as much for comfort as for warmth.
It took the rise of a singular statesman -- and one tough stateswoman -- to turn the intellectual connection between domestic strength and international influence into action.
Perhaps through sheer longevity and familiarity since then, her mantle is becoming one of a more gentle stateswoman of the high-octane art world.
She loves being an elder stateswoman so does not join them in moaning about the lack of roles for women over 35.
As she grew older, she began to be considered the elder stateswoman of womens rights movements in the city.
Listen for a call from a statesman/stateswoman, and respond.
Because while it may not be right away, we're talking about a truly amazing, inspiring, potentially presidential stateswoman here.
A big-picture, policy-savvy stateswoman some days; a calculating political tactician on others.
Differentiate yourself from your opponent as the stateswoman that you are....

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