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Übersetzungen für sticking point im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈstick·ing point SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The sticking point yet again, as in 199596 was how the distress would be shared between the two states.
Besides the fate of the loot, one sticking point was the government's demand that the pirates had to kneel before them.
An assistant provides just enough help to get the weight trainer past the sticking point of the exercise, and allow further repetitions to be completed.
On the other main sticking point, the outlines of a compromise seemed clearer.
Moreover, material quality will likely improve in all three crossovers, whose interiors have been a notorious sticking point with the automotive media in recent years.
The main sticking point is the novel's ambiguous ending.
The main sticking point during the autumn negotiations had been the method of choosing the merged party's leader.
A new sticking point was how many rooms the hotel would have to set aside each night for convention business.
From there, the lifter would drop back into a layback position to receive the weight past the sticking point.
The sticking point of rates harmonisation caused ructions at the meeting.

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