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Übersetzungen für stomping ground im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈstomp·ing ground SUBST Am

stomping ground → stamping ground

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was a good stomping ground to learn some of the tricks of the trade and again it was another step up.
Now, after returning to his former stomping ground last year, he has an eye on the title this year.
He had a decent half-season at his old stomping ground, scoring five league goals, but various reports continued about his apparent disruptive dressing room influence.
It's still that, a stomping ground, even if he's the one being stomped on now.
And he's not the only member of the previous cast who was eagre to revisit their old stomping ground.
His stomping ground is the back-row, the one place on a rugby pitch where flak jackets should be compulsory.
Very close to my own heart, this is my old stomping ground.
On sunny days the university campus was our stomping ground.
Driving past familiar haunts -- the petrol station, the university and favourite cafes -- my old stomping ground is the same in many respects.
All the finals were special to me... it was an amazing feeling winning the trophy at our stomping ground.

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