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Übersetzungen für suggestiveness im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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sug·ges·tive·ness [səˈʤestɪvnəs, Am səgˈ] SUBST no pl

1. suggestiveness (informativeness):


2. suggestiveness (ambiguousness):

Mehrdeutige(s) nt
Vieldeutige(s) nt

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

No matter that the choreography is repetitive -- all crotch-clutching, writhing and open-mouthed suggestiveness.
Within a dominant culture that stressed elegance and finish, he granted primacy to freedom, breadth and imaginative suggestiveness, eventually developed into the romantic vision of sublime terror.
Most noticeable, also, and with a certain suggestiveness for the futrue sic, was the extraordinary number of young men, many of them evidently students, keen, thoughtful and intelligent looking.
His essays are rich in suggestiveness, and have been the starting-point of much fruitful research.
Also, as had been done with previous controversial hits, because of the song's suggestiveness, the show's structure was altered slightly, so stations could opt out of the song.
The fact that placement is a little imprecise gave the work and intriguing softness and suggestiveness.
People sometimes don't take kindly to being told what to do, so you have to use your powers of persuasiveness and suggestiveness.
Her verses are noted for their suggestiveness, and deal often with sensuous themes from shringara rasa.
Among other philosophic questions discussed in these two volumes the nature of casual relation is perhaps the one which is handled with most freshness and suggestiveness.
Several screenings of early test footage were held, and changes were made to the film's content to reduce the intensity or suggestiveness of several scenes and broaden its commercial appeal.

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