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Übersetzungen für swing state im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Prior to the election, most news organizations considered this a toss-up, or swing state.
Someone who'd won tough elections and maintained bipartisan popularity in an important swing state.
Prior to the election, most news organizations considered it as a swing state.
Prior to the election, most news organizations considered this state as a major swing state and bellwether.
Prior to the election, most news organizations considered this state a toss-up, or a swing state.
Prior to the election, most news organizations considered this a toss-up, or swing state, as it was heavily targeted by both campaigns.
Early on, the state was heavily targeted as a swing state.
Prior to the election, most news organizations considered this a swing state.
This means that swing state issues receive more attention, while issues important to other states are largely ignored.
The state was originally thought to be a swing state in 2008 for a number of reasons.

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