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Übersetzungen für taxicab im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈtaxi·cab SUBST

Taxi nt <-s, -s>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He worked as a taxicab driver for a short stint, before becoming a weight-lifting coach in 1974.
They also include public services such as transportation of passengers or property as a common carrier, such as airlines, railroads, trucking, bus, and taxicab companies.
The format centers on unusual sports competitions, including a belly flop contest and a taxicab demolition derby.
Deregulation also resulted in decreased taxicab productivity and decreased taxi-company revenues.
As of 2006 many more recent immigrants, after arriving, start work as office workers, janitors, and taxicab drivers; they are from lower income backgrounds.
I believe a group of taxicab drivers, a few bartenders and my garbage man would decide this issue in a second.
When the passenger steps inside the taxicab, the flagfall condition is triggered and the taxicab driver can start the taximeter.
This includes police, fire brigade, ambulance, taxicab, tow truck, and other services.
Rates vary by vehicle type, size, passengers and distance, and by regulation all taxicab fares must be calculated using a taximeter and be payable in cash or credit card.
A car mechanic by training, ahinta has always worked as a taxicab driver.

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