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Übersetzungen für temazepam im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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te·ma·ze·pam [təˈmæzɪpæm, Am -ˈmæzə-] SUBST no pl MED, PHARM


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A 1995 study found that temazepam is more rapidly absorbed and oxazepam is more slowly absorbed than most other benzodiazepines.
A 1985 study found that triazolam and temazepam maintained higher rates of self-injection than a variety of other benzodiazepines.
This led authorities of various countries to place temazepam under a more restrictive legal status.
As a medication before surgery, temazepam decreased cortisol in elderly patients.
The various benzodiazepines differ in their toxicity; temazepam appears to be most toxic in overdose and when used with other drugs.
Although benzodiazepines have a high therapeutic index, temazepam is one of the more dangerous of this class of drugs.
In one study, the drug sensitivity of people who had used temazepam for one to 20 years was no different from that of controls.
Overall, anecdotal evidence suggests that temazepam may be the most psychologically habit-forming (addictive) benzodiazepine.
It had a fewer incidence of side effects than temazepam, including less sedation, amnesia, and less motor-impairment.
Its other active metabolites include the minor active metabolites temazepam and oxazepam.

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