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Übersetzungen für territorial waters im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Major peacetime responsibilities include search and rescue, law enforcement of territorial waters, maintenance of navigational maritime aides and ensuring maritime safety.
Nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed ships are prohibited from entering the country's territorial waters.
The protected areas make up or 65% of the land and or 86.5% of the territorial waters.
It the war ship was already in our territorial waters with 500 soldiers aboard.
This was rejected, but an amendment was made allowing nations to issue their preferred orders in their own territorial waters.
A unique feature of this agreement is that it assigned only territorial waters to the islands, not the continental shelf.
It has jurisdiction anywhere in the state, and in state territorial waters.
At the ports aquatory (territorial waters) are constantly on duty a fireboat and an oil-spill collector.
This allowed the dispute over territorial waters and continental shelf to remain unresolved.
During subsequent decades, several rounds of bilateral talks considered joint-development of sub-seabed resources in disputed territorial waters.

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