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Übersetzungen für toss off im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . toss off VERB trans

1. toss off ugs (do quickly):

etw hinwerfen übtr

2. toss off Brit, Aus vulg sl (excite sexually):

3. toss off (drink quickly):

II . toss off VERB intr Brit, Aus vulg sl

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I look at the lashings, which seem solid, toss off my charm, and jump into the water.
He's not embarrassed to wear underwear as outerwear and toss off his overcoat to reveal a pair of boxer shorts paired with a tuxedo shirt and gartered knee socks.
This is all, of course, rudimentary, something a professional umpire will do with muscle memory and a shrug, the way a concertmaster will toss off a warm-up arpeggio.
Nowadays, they toss off an email.
As is expected, all of the delegation chairs got to toss off some happy horsefeathers about their home state before announcing their delegate count.
Even with both hands tied behind his back, he could toss off kinetic action scenes, seemingly at will.
Then actions, which would be greedy and irresponsible in a confessed kingpin, become innocent rebellion, undertaken to toss off oppression by invisible elites.
To toss off these questions is to abandon one's humanity.
If you're not going to toss off this dazzler with the easy, brilliant virtuosity its title suggests, there's not much point.
Once in the ring, the combatants dramatically toss off their robes to look like a pair of raw turkey necks in satin trunks.

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