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Übersetzungen für transit lounge im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈtran·sit lounge SUBST

Transitraum m <-(e)s, -räume>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It's enough to make you stay in the transit lounge.
Most airports now resemble a shopping mall rather than transit lounge and offer just about everything from designer brands to high-street favourites.
As is often the case with long-haul travel, you stumble from plane to transit lounge to plane in an exhausted daze.
The magic begins for children on arrival, with characters from their favourite cartoons on hand to welcome the special guests as the transit lounge is transformed into a winter playground.
This is a vast improvement on the process in the old terminal where passengers in transit only had access to a transit lounge.
That magic begins for children on arrival, with characters from their favourite cartoons on hand to welcome the special guests as the transit lounge is transformed into a winter playground.
The added advantage, of course, is you are not spending countless hours sitting in airport transit lounges.
And come they do, to a country masquerading as one of the world's great transit lounges, open 24/7/365.

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