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Übersetzungen für trowel im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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trow·el [ˈtraʊəl] SUBST

1. trowel (building):

Maurerkelle f <-, -n>

2. trowel (gardening):


Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to lay it [or sth] on [a bit thick [or with a trowel]]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The application process involves using a small metal trowel which is heated over a fire.
The trowel is used to create recognizable portraits of the musicians, with the paint on a white background appearing as if a woodcut.
Trowels were provided at the start of races.
A trowel is then used to apply the joint compound.
The most popular sizes are the 5-inch and 6-inch pointing trowels, but archaeologists sometimes also use the trowels that have a squared end.
As a result, many slaves became proficient in spinning, weaving, shoemaking, carpentry, painting, blacksmithing, and the trowel trades.
The trowel trades unions were much less likely to discriminate, because most of their skilled craftsmen were black.
Pointing in smaller joints can be accomplished using tuck pointers, pointing trowels, and margin trowels, among other tools.
Brick trowels are traditionally made of carbon steel, but some newer versions are made of cast stainless steel, which has longer wear and is rust-free.
It has a pointed tip, lowered or cranked like a trowel, suited for painting on canvas.

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