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Übersetzungen für twelfth man im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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twelfth ˈman SUBST Brit, Aus SPORT

Ersatzspieler(in) m (f) <-s, -; -, -nen>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The number 12 is retired in honour of the fans, also known as the twelfth man.
It was the daring twelfth man who, though escorted unceremoniously off the field and out of the stadium without further ado, gained a nationwide football reputation in a single play.
Soccer-inspired nationalism even resulted in tragedy when a man lit himself on fire to become the teams twelfth man.
Nevertheless, the role of a twelfth man can't be looked down on and needs mobility just like putting in efforts for getting out of the friend-zone for a lover.
The most common number for this practice is 12, from descriptions of the fans as the twelfth man.
Quality is down because the twelfth man, that most important of players, has been neutralised, rendered inaudible and impotent.
While players on the field are busy, combining diverse permutations in relation to strategies, the twelfth man, in the dressing room, also has his mind crowded with thoughts.
The twelfth man serves as a pivotal facet and helps in a team's cause of taking strategies forward and re-energising the players.
I expect they will get behind us and be the twelfth man.
But to get that twelfth man you have got to produce the goods on the pitch.

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