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Übersetzungen für vegetable marrow im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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veg·eta·ble ˈmar·row SUBST esp Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Unlike the common soup of vegetable marrows, that of green pumpkins has a more definite taste and a greater consistence in their cooking that makes it more pleasant.
Having significantly reduced waste and energy use, schoolchildren now look after the vegetable garden on the school grounds, harvesting potatoes, onions, carrots, vegetable marrow and strawberries.
A vegetable marrow is thrown through the window, hitting the youngest of the eavesdropping bunnies who has been stting on the window-sill.
The avocado tastes somewhat like butter or marrow and hence it is called vegetable marrow.
Its other plant hosts include peas, beetroot, vegetable marrow, pumpkin, rhubarb, and ornamental bulbs.
Tomatoes, capsicums (sweet or hot peppers), also vegetable marrows (zucchini) may be prepared in this way.
The second was a main course of savoury egg cake, short pasta and wild mushrooms, for which a side dish of slow-cooked vegetable marrow was an ideal accompaniment.

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