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Übersetzungen für zip line im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It features two towers that are connected by a zip line and pipes.
The zip line ride consisted of four lines, each measuring just shy of 1,100 feet (approx. 335 metres).
These can be fitted with zip line backpack, glow in the dark skeleton and antlers attachment.
It also has a bucket that is transported up and down the zip line.
It is also used for tube and zip line craft.
The proper tensioning of a cable is important and allows the ability to tune the ride of a zip line.
The zip-line tour offers 6 zip lines across multiple platforms.
They then would take a zip line back to the start, insert their puzzle piece, and continue this until all six pieces were collected.
The amount of uphill on a zip line controls the speed at which the user arrives at the termination point.
A log comes hurtling down the zip line at a worrying pace, destroying the log itself and slightly damaging part of the contraption.

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