bibulous im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Übersetzungen für bibulous im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The slide is then rinsed again, and blotted dry with bibulous paper.
Bibulous means marked by the consumption of alcohol.
They may not have been as overworked, but they were a bibulous lot, a surprising number of them pounding out their copy in an alcoholic haze.
The red wine stain, an inescapable consequence of the bibulous life, is a special hazard around holiday time, when liquid tends to flow freely and elbow room can be tight.
Must the political class really resort to these elaborate bribes to draw in the undecided but bibulous voter?
Blotting paper referred to as bibulous paper is mainly used in microscopy to remove excess liquids from the slide before viewing.
The locals were expansive, charming, bibulous and comprehensively reassuring.
Someone from a bibulous/litigious branch of the family might've fallen overboard drunk and launched a lawsuit.
The liquorous and bibulous must now give up their business between 2 and 5pm.
His books are full of high spirits and excellent jokes, with constant literary allusions and an atmosphere of bibulous good humour.

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