jǐyǔ im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

jǐyǔ im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für jǐyǔ im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The time needed by the moon to elongate 12 degrees from the sun and every 12 degrees thereafter is one tithi ("tshes-zhag", lunar day).
The lake is roughly 120km2 sqmi in area, and consists of a main waterbody with two elongate arms.
The forewings are elongate with a light orange to greyish orange ground color.
It is fairly typical of members of this genus being a small elongate fish with prominent horizontal stripes.
Classical form elongates itself, shimmers, rises on tip-toe; it glides, it loses substance, becomes idealised.
Such leg slicers can be used as effective leglocks to the knee through a separating and elongating motion.
They are small elongate fishes, growing up to 16 cm (6 in) long.
The existence of a coastal road traversing the park and a forest road elongating the southeast boundary facilitate access to the park by poachers.
The body is elongate with a foot which is distinct from the upper body by a skirt like mantle hiding partially the foot.
Adult males have red-orange elytra (wing covers) with four elongate spots.

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