photosensitivity im Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Übersetzungen für photosensitivity im Englisch»Französisch-Wörterbuch

photosensitivity [Brit fəʊtəʊsɛnsɪˈtɪvɪti, Am ˌfoʊdəˌsɛnsəˈtɪvədi] SUBST

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There is a tendency for photosensitivity to disappear in middle age, but eyelid myoclonia persists.
Prolonged exposure to natural or artificial sun light (UV rays) is not recommended because the gel can cause photosensitivity.
However, standard fibers can be used if the photosensitivity is enhanced by pre-soaking the fiber in hydrogen.
Their skin has a dark pigmentation, which helps prevent cancer eye (ocular squamous cell carcinoma), photosensitivity reactions and sunburned udders.

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