Saudi Arabia im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für Saudi Arabia im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für Saudi Arabia im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Saudi Arabia im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für Saudi Arabia im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für Saudi Arabia im Italienisch»Englisch-Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für Saudi Arabia im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is considered one of the largest indigenous Saudi Arabia websites online.
The road will include more than 10 tunnels and halve the travel time between the southern coast and the northern border with Saudi Arabia.
His last international came exactly 4 years later versus Saudi Arabia.
These calls grew as it turned out that 17 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
He is thought to have travelled to Saudi Arabia and purchased a small boat and then a truck and trailer to transport it.
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia embarked on a campaign of bribery to obtain declarations of tribal loyalty on which its case was based.
Ten of the 22 people who died and 22 of 44 cases reported were in Saudi Arabia.
These are reported to be the second-largest in the world, after Saudi Arabia.
Now, only Saudi Arabia remains openly opposed to the declaration.
The boundary with Saudi Arabia was settled in 1965 but never demarcated.

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