sashay im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Elegant women in flowered hats sashay along the route, accompanied by besuited men.
And what stylish cholis this potter's daughter sashays down in!
Smile and wave and act like it's normal when she sashays past.
I think she really sashayed with the evening gown and swimsuit portion.
She sashays and flirts, aware of her power over men, having perfected the spoiled pout.
Bursting with life, vibrant and sashaying with attitude, all to a backdrop of fantastic music and food that is simply to-die-for.
And calm they were -- even when the music stopped for a brief while, the model on stage sashayed back with a dervish-like countenance.
He sang the first verse and chorus alone on stage; then each of the remaining five verses while a showgirl sashayed by in costume appropriate to the quoted air.
Organisers expect some 230,000 fans, including "cosplay" enthusiasts sashaying through beaming displays of combat games and fantasy world characters.
The chic outerwear was tied in at the waist with a square gold belt as she sashayed forth in a pair of matching high heels.

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