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Übersetzungen für EDI im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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EDI [ˌi:di:ˈaɪ] SUBST

EDI kurz f. electronic data interchange

Siehe auch: electronic data interchange

electronic data interchange SUBST COMPUT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is important to differentiate between the EDI documents and the methods for transmitting them.
The bandwidth ranges from classic EDI data exchange, to access to databases and secure email exchange, to the carrying out of video conferences.
Another important application for electrodialysis is the production of pure water and ultrapure water by electrodeionization (EDI).
The best reference sources are the EDI websites of major retail hubs and industry associations.
The EDI standard prescribes mandatory and optional information for a particular document and gives the rules for the structure of the document.
Online businesses found EDI was too cumbersome to accommodate all the file formats and business rules the growing volume of e-commerce retailers required.
Additionally, the cost of implementing EDI was added to achieve a more comprehensive picture of EDI's financial impact on the health care industry.
The 8 subscale scores on the EDI are: 1.
Inspired by the idea of a paperless office and more reliable transfer of data, they developed the first EDI systems.
The problem with transmitting EDI releases is that not all suppliers have EDI systems capable of receiving the release information.

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